Sunday, June 13, 2010


Yes Yes, im aware that she looks like Nicki Minaj O_O thats cuz she IS niki minaj....with a gun... in my story. Im having fun doing the comic! but id be lying if i said that i dont miss getting in there and flat out concepting something! ahhh. so, this character Blowpop, is one of the 5 girls in my story, the "Brains" of the operation, she specializes in long range weaponry, has her favorite sniper rifle which she's given the name "The Facepoppa." lol. anyway. enjoy!


A. Lewis, Poet and Gentleman said...

That is so awesome. lol. If Nicki could would be cool to see her as the sniper chick!

Danille Gauvin said...

Totally sweet design :)

Damion009 said...

I think your one bad ass dude with the pin my friend! great gun to BTW.

M said...

great outfit!